
You can book an appointment by calling the practice during opening hours. We will do our best to accommodate your choice of date and time.

If for any reason you cannot make it to your appointment, please contact the practice to cancel and rearrange. By doing so you allow another patient to use that time. We would appreciate it if you could give us at least 48hrs notice. Late notice cancellations and failing to attend may incur a charge (please see below).

Missed Appointments

A missed dental appointment means lost valuable clinical time to the practice and deprives other patients of the opportunity to benefit from this time.

If you know you will not be able to attend an appointment, then please give as much notice as possible so we can cancel your appointment and offer your slot to another patient. 

For NHS patients

In accordance with NHS England’s policy, we are unable to charge you for not turning up to NHS appointments, however, if you miss any, your dentist can terminate your treatment and you may need to pay again for a new course of treatment. 

If you miss two NHS appointments, your dentist may decide not to offer you treatment in the future and has the right to ask you to find another dental practice. 

For Private Patients

***UPDATED 22/11/2024***

Unfortunately, due to multiple failed to attends and loss of valuable clinical time we have had to make the difficult decision to ask all patients who have to come back for further treatment to pay a deposit when booking that appointment. 

This charge will be half of the total cost of your treatment appointment and will start from Monday 2nd December 2024. 

This will not apply to patients that have already booked their appointment before Monday 2nd December.
However, if you miss or cancel your appointment at short notice (i.e., giving less than 48hrs notice), we will charge you £2 per minute of your missed or cancelled appointment length. 

This charge will not fully cover the cost of our lost clinical time, but it will allow us to partially cover our overheads, thus helping to prevent raising our prices unnecessarily.